Mike Ginley

Digital E-A-T's

Digital Marketing Portfolio Site

Digital E-A-T's Homepage

Digital E-A-T's Home

Digital E-A-T's Profile Page

Digital E-A-T's Profile

Digital E-A-T's Google Looker Studio Analytics Dashboard

Digital E-A-T's Report

Digital E-A-T’s aims to highlight and celebrate individuals in the industry who have made significant contributions to the growth of others through their content. Visitors can explore the site to learn about familiar figures who have provided valuable content and discover new, up-and-coming individuals who are seeking support and recognition. The website also promotes those who are available for work opportunities.

I manage the site and encourage specialists to reach out to me via Twitter or LinkedIn with any questions or concerns. I am open to feedback and actively seek out outstanding individuals to feature on the site. Individuals can fill out a Google Form to be featured, and I will take care of the rest.


  • Website Build
  • SEO + Social
  • Google Data Studio Dashboard 
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Looker Studio
    • Google BigQuery
  • Blog


There are so many great people out there who create fantastic resources for our industry. I was looking for a way to add to that and it led me to create this website. I don’t really like how LinkedIn highlights people’s actual work and it’s often spoofed.

I’ve also had a lot of experience when interviewing/hiring where even a resume can’t highlight the real Expertise, Authority & Trust (E-A-T) of an individual. The profile pages on this site are a great way to do that!


I built the website on WordPress with Elementor which some people will whine about, but it works for me and looks great! There are numerous filters to put specialists into focus areas and digital marketing groups they belong to.

I use Google Forms to gather the information and quickly add it to the website so we can begin to share about the great people in our industry. For anyone who may not have a ton of published content, I have also started an Articles section for anyone to create something helpful that they are passionate about.

I also run competitions every now and then for gift cards or Digital E-A-T’s t-shirts. The past competitions were Coolest Fact, Most Traffic to your profile page, and Most Retweets for your pets.

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