Mike Ginley

Lifesong Wilderness Adventures

SEO Consulting Project - Pacific Northwest Area

Lifesong Wilderness Adventures Homepage


Lifesong Wilderness Adventures Audit

Lifesong Wilderness Adventures Google Looker Studio Analytics Dashboard

LSA Report

Mark the owner of Lifesong Wilderness Adventures reached out to me after finding my Internal Linking Audit + Best Practices article. He was in search of a full website audit covering digital marketing, SEO and website analytics. After some initial discussions to learn more about his goals I performed a full audit and delivered the results with a plan of attack in order of impact. I also continued to assist as needed with WordPress best practices.


  • Digital Consulting Audit
  • SEO + Social
  • Google Data Studio Dashboard
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Looker Studio
    • Google BigQuery
  • Blog


There are a lot of digital consultants out there offering different services. My main goal is to help any website owner accomplish their digital goals. I talked with Mark to determine what is needed and created a plan to help accomplish that.


I performed a full audit of his website and determined what was needed to help improve his organic visibility. I also took it a step further to help with social media, Google My Business and analytics reporting. All areas of digital marketing should flow together and this was a main part of the digital consulting audit. From our work the website and marketing communications now create all content regardless of channel with the same mentality, to help their end users solve their goal.


How Did You Find Me?

Aleyda Solis newsletter

How Was Communication?

Excellent. Feel very comfortable asking questions and trust your knowledge and recommendations of action.

What Did You Like?

Excellent Information and service. I appreciated the quality responses to my questions.

What Could Have Been Better?

I don’t know. But I’m always happy to recommend you and a reference if needed.

Any Recommendations Going Forward?

Keep doing what you’re doing, Mike, Your service is excellent and I believe the best I have experienced in SEO.


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