Product & Service Marketing Management Is In, Traditional Digital Marketing Is Out
Product & Service Marketing Management Is In, Traditional Digital Marketing Is Out from the perspective of Fight Milk!
This site has been my personal portfolio/project for years. I started around 2017 after I graduated college so I had a sandbox to test things out as I learned more about Digital Marketing and Web Development. Over the years I have written some great articles, broken the site and gained freelance digital marketing leads.
I have worked with lots of amazing digital marketers over the years and its become harder and harder to stand out without proof. I wanted to have a way to highlight my experience in the industry as well as learn new tactics. I started building this website on WordPress at the recommendation of a coworker. I’ve broken it multiple times but that’s the best way to learn!
I built the website on WordPress with Elementor. Its not a heavy lift in terms of code, but I have been able to learn more with snippets here and there. I have an awesome blog which I write based on real experiences, processes and tools I use every day. I am now working on building out my portfolio of freelance digital consulting clients to highlight my work.
Product & Service Marketing Management Is In, Traditional Digital Marketing Is Out from the perspective of Fight Milk!
TL;DR Pretty ridiculous title but I think I have a point. I’m always seeing weird recipes on Instagram that use no ingredients or take 30
SEO is not dead, it never will be, it’s just always changing. It’s going through its different eras. Ya know like Taylor Swift! That’s what