Mike Ginley

Content Plan + Calendar

A content calendar is a great way to ensure you are creating content that will solve your user’s problems and stay on track with your process. Many companies get excited about SEO and try to hit the ground running but burnout quickly due to poor planning. Utilizing this strategy will help avoid any burnout and allow you to plan ahead.

Content Research + Plan

The first step here is to take a look at the existing content on the site to see where we are at. Are you site pages thorough enough to explain the services or products you provide? Do you have a blog or articles section that you are keeping up with? Are all of the pages on the website doing their job?

Each page on your website is an employee! They have a job to do and if you find out they are not doing it you need to act.

Steps for the content Research + Plan phase include:

  • Keyword research to fuel strategic decisions.
  • Audit of site pages based on company goals.
  • Audit of articles/blogs based on company goals.
  • Plan out what pages are to be either created or refreshed.
  • Plan out what articles/blogs are to be either created or refreshed.

Content Calendar

After we audit all of your content and determine the target keywords for these pages we will now want to plan out the work. Here we will use a simple Miro board to document what is to be created and when. These will be prioritized based on business goals to ensure the most impactful work is getting done ASAP!

Miro content calendar

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